Outside In

There is a curious relationship between the changes we want to see outside in the world, and the changes that occur inside of us. This podcast is an inquiry into the inner & outer work of transformative design.


We are all waking up to a stark truth; everything about how we exist, our way of relating to the Earth and to each other, needs to change. Many members of the design community feel a calling to use our skills to help advance our collective transformation. And a new kind of designer is emerging to help guide this transition.

Outside In is a podcast in service of this emergent design field — exploring themes like regenerative design, culture design, ecological restoration and more. We journey to the margins to discover design insights in unexpected places. Our conversations cover a kaleidoscope of experience — from wilderness treks to VR films, communal festivals to immersive theater and beyond. In each episode, we’ll deconstruct an experience with its creator — together, revealing strategies, insights and techniques for transformative experience design.

This is a collaboration with friend and fellow designer, Pavani Yalla. Some of my favorite episodes are curated below. To learn more about the project, visit: www.outsideinpodcast.org

Cosmic Aikido

Regenesis seeks to design a built environment and human systems to harmonize with natural systems.
Their approach to development proves that human activity does not have to be destructive — it can be a source of health & renewal. Together we explore the mindset and methods of regenerative development — a radically different way to think and act that has the potential to transform the way humans inhabit the Earth.

Find The Others

A global network of people from all walks of life has somehow coalesced into a thriving online community — The Earth Regenerators. Their intention is to weave relationships that restore planetary health at scale. In part two of our series with Joe Brewer, we tell the story of this vibrant community and explore how to design truly regenerative human cultures.

Regenerate. Renew. Rewild.

Joe Brewer is a culture designer learning how to live regeneratively in the Andes mountains of Colombia. His project, Origen del Agua, aims to transform a community and a landscape — all to bring a river back to life. This living demonstration shows us a path to restore planetary health at scale. And is also giving birth to a design school for Earth regeneration.

Through the Red Door

In the midst of extreme polarization, the Evolve experience takes on society’s toughest issues to stimulate conversations that bridge our collective divide. Combining theatre and storytelling with audience participation, Evolve overcomes our natural resistance to change — transforming defensiveness into curiosity and compassion.

The Wilderness Inside

Over the last ten years, Shelli has hiked 26,000 miles—roughly one full trip around the Earth. Her extended time in the backcountry has given her a rare perspective on design.


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