Wildfire: Augmented Reality

2021, Magic Leap

We can circle up as a group and become one mind — to solve problems and imagine plausible futures.


The Wildfire app explores how AR data visualization might enable higher orders of collaboration. What becomes possible when data is more than just a number? No longer trapped in 2D screens, information becomes spatially coherent. Now we can move past abstract concepts and into concrete landscapes. We can circle up as a group and become one mind to solve problems and imagine plausible futures.

In this initial inquiry, we're exploring wildfire prevention, training, and real-time emergency response — as well as other scenarios that enable us to see and think in systems; like watershed management and ecosystem restoration.

Can a tool like this help us come together to understand natural systems that transcend our imaginary political and property boundaries? Help us to think and act at a bioregional level? Help local communities to better understand and manage their commons?

Magic Leap invited wildland firefighters into the heart of our design process to explore how AR might serve those who serve us.


ACMI Renewal


Necker Island